It has been some time since we have organised a permablitz, so it may come as some surprise that we are about to do one – put it on your calendar for 0900 on Sunday 25 November 2012. Permablitzes are free events, open to the public, with free workshops, shared food, where you get some exercise and have a wonderful time. Not only is if fun but you get to create or add to edible gardens where someone lives as well as share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living.
Well, one of our great supporters, Mel Brennan (make sure you like her page) of Bluebee Consulting who has actually designed and put together this web site, on which you are reading this little blurb, for Gold Coast Permaculture, has put her hand up for one. Sunday is a pretty precious day for me but I reckon that for Mel, I can make it down to Burleigh Waters (just off Christine Avenue) for a session on the shovel/rake/barrow in order to install a nice productive bio-intensive vegie garden.
The garden is not particularly large so I reckon with a good dozen or so people involved, we will have it out of the way before a late morning tea and follow it up with a bar-be (vegetarians catered for). May even be a vego bar-be – I will have to get back to you on that one. Whatever it is, we can depend on Mel to make some bloody good tucker!
So, if you would like to participate in this, please get back to me ASAP at info(at) and sign up for a great fun morning. You will be taken through the lasagne method of no dig gardening by yours truly and at the end of the day, if you haven’t done it before, you will be up to speed with a great garden full of micro-biology and the best gardening system that we find feeds your plants to a level where you will obtain the optimum nutrition levels from whatever you grow.
Healthy soil ==> Healthy plants ==> Healthy people!
I look forward to having you on-board for this. If we have too many people then we can look at it as a good workshop as well as a great permablitz.